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Update on S&P and 26 month cycle, 7 year cycle and Bradley

This is a follow-up to the cycle analysis posted a month ago. There we saw that the 26 month and 7 year cycle have been the dominant cycles of the S&P 500. […]

Heliocentric Bradley vs Gold and Bonds

The Bradley Siderograph ([PI] Bralkey) can be applied to a variety of markets – sometimes with amazing results. In this article you can see the geocentric Bradley with default settings, projected on a Gold (@GC) and Bonds (@TY) charts. The Bradley is red and the market price is white. The overlap for the last 4 years – in particular for Gold – is mind blowing: important turning points and the market direction were predicted with an astonishing precision (note that the red plot was defined 70 yea […]

Cycle Analysis S&P500

In this article, I study long term cycles and cyclic behavior of the US stock market. The aim of the study is identification of dominant and practically useful cycles. In particular, I’m interested in cyclic behavior that is projected to appear in the next 6-12 months. […]

Commitment of Traders: Sell signal in my new COT indicator

Last year I already wrote about the Commitment of Traders (COT) reports and how they can be applied to improve trading results. I showed that for the S&P500 the Large traders are the ones to watch – because in this market they have the tendency to jump on the train right at the very end of a trend. […]

Mid-November Low in S&P500

The following charts show how the planetary idicators could help to time the exit of the short position we entered at the quadruple ingress early October. […]

in misc

Book recommendation: Timing Solutions for Swing Traders

In this book Robert Lee and Peter Tryde show how financial astrology can be embedded in solid trading approaches without drifting into pseudo-scientific esoteric. It does not come up with some magic that tells you the price of a market in six months – no it helps to make good decision in the markets with standard indicators, supported by timing information derived from the planets. If you follow my work then you know that this is what the planetary indicators are made for. So I am very glad to […]

S&P: Time for a Turn?

A simple approach to use astro indicators is to wait for situations when several indicators deliver important signals at the same time – and then speculate for something important to happen. […]

Indication of Planetary Returns in Tradestation

The theory of Planetary Returns follows the notion that important situations in the life of a company, a country or a person repeat with a period that is determined by the time a planet needs to travel around the Sun or (virtually) the Earth. That means, when a planet is back at the same position it had when a pivotal event took place, we can expect a similarly important event again. […]

Paintbar Study Showing when a Planet is in a Certain Sign

I got the request to code a paintbar study that would paint the bars while a planet was in a certain sign. Say like when Mars is in Taurus? And here it is: It highlights the bar for which a planet (you can set) is in a certain sign. The example chart highlights Mars in Taurus. […]

Bradley Siderograph 2012

Here is plot for the year 2012 of the geocentric default Bradley siderograph as described in Donald Bradley’s “Stock Market Prediction – The Planetary Barometer and How to Use It “. […]

Commitment of Traders: Implications of Large Traders going short

Beside the various timing indicators presented on this page, I particularly have an eye on instruments describing the sentiment in the markets. One free and good source for sentiment data is the weekly Commitments of Traders report issued by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. For several future markets it enumerates the positions of market participants grouped in Small, Large, and Commercial traders. Frequently, two general approaches are proposed how to use the data: 1. look at the posit […]

in astro

It’s Bradley Time

This weekend the geocentric Bradley indicator has the high for the year. At the same time (not coincidentally) my preferred planetary aspects indicator shows the highest activity since forever. The following chart shows both indicators and the S&P500 which is making new highs. […]

On the Compatibility of the Planetary Indicators to MultiCharts

The Plantary Indicators have been developed in Easy Language (EL) for Tradestation (TS) platforms. Multicharts (MC) is somewhat compatible to the EL intepretation of TS. And to the best of my knowledge they comile and run without errors on MC starting from version 6. […]

Update 10/2011

After some time here are some charts, showing I’m still here and that the indicators work quite well in Tradestation 9. The charts show the current situation of the S&P500 ($INX). […]

in misc

Bradley 2011

in astro

S&P and the five passages of the Saturn/Uranus Opposition 2008-10

Last week was the last of the five passages of the Saturn-Uranus opposition that started two years ago. The chart below highlights the five dates in the chart of the S&P500. While the last one is still unfolding we can already say that each of the five events was at least a swing top. And the results are impressive: […]

This weekend’s Jupiter Ingress

The Jupiter ingress coming this weekend is the third since January 2009 . The last two coincided exactly (!) with important medium term highs (see yellow lines in chart below). So it appears to be justified to assume a high within the next few days!? […]

Delta and the Inversion on 8

Delta experts know that the cycle can only invert at the beginning or at end. The 12 point cycle I’ve been using for the S&P should only turn around the 1 (as it did this February). […]

in astro

about the start of the correction

The start of the current down move did not came out of the blue. In fact it came exactly with two significant astro signatures: […]

in astro

S&P500 in March 2010: Bradley vs. Planetary Aspects

Stock Markets show new 5 weeks highs and the Bradley Siderograph indicates a turn – so do we have to sell now? […]

Next Bradley Date

There has been some confusion about the exact date of the next (this year’s high) Bradley turn date. […]

Simple TradeStation Strategy based on Planetary Indicators

PlanetaryIndicators can be used to create trading systems working on planetary data. […]

in astro

Bradley Siderograph 2010

Happy New Year 2010! […]

New Version of Planetary Indicators Package for TradeStation

Finally I finished the new version of the planetary indicator package. Ok, it’s not really finished because there are still thousand things to add, to refine, to do… […]

S&P500 update Oct/11th 2009

Once again an example� with just� the @ES,� the ephemeris lines,� and� this� time with� the aspect� cluster� indicator. […]

Indication of Planetary Retrograde Movement

The PlanetaryIndicators package allows to show periods of planetary retrograde movement either direct (using direct ephemeris) or as dedicated indicator. Retrograde means that a planet moves backward as seen from Earth. There are several theories that a planet turning retrograde (or back direct) has direct implication for markets. […]

EURUSD and heliocentric Bradley

Our old friend the Bradley Siderograph is also part� of the Planetaryindicator package. […]

Example: S&P500 Future (@ES) with geocentric Elements

At the end of the geocentric supercluster (10 important aspects) now we have 4 ingresses (Mars, Earth, Venus, Mercury) within few days. Right now the @ES (as well as the INX) is at Jupiter line (yellow in the chart). Whatever happens now will have some significance. My guess is shown by the arrows. […]

EURUSD heliocentric basic analysis

The chart shows the heliocentric planetary ephemeris lines, the heliocentric ingresses in a separate window, and the heliocentric conjunctions in another window. […]

Tradestation indicator for Delta Phenomenon

In “The Delta Phenomenon” Welles Wilder described something he believes is the “hidden order in all markets”. Now 26 years later the idea has been published in a lot of books and papers, and is no secret anymoreBasically the idea is that market vibration repeats […]

New Version of astro lib for TradeStation

With this post I present a new version of the astro library for TradeStation. The new version allows to compute so many cool things around the planets, with much higher precision than previous version. […]

Indication of Sun Eclipse and Lunar Eclipse in TradeStation

I became curious if Lunar and Sun Eclipses can be used as timing tool in the markets. The results are not as clear as I hoped - but let’s study it a bit closer. […]

How to add future dates and gaps for weekends, holidays in TradeStation

One problem I’ve always had is that TS can perfectly show data and indications for everything what happened in history, but there is no convenient way to show predictions in the future. This is particulary annoying if it’s about astro-indications. […]

in astro

EUR/USD and Bradley

Last weeks turn was one day after Bradley Turn. Previous Bradley turn was exactly the High (June 14). Looks like the EURUSD is the better SPX […]

Bradley Siderograph for 2008 and 2009

Took a while but here are the first pictures of the Bradley Siderograph (default version) drawn in TradeSignal. I like the improved quality of the plots. […]

Bradley Siderograph for Tradestation

The approach was introduced by Donald Bradley in 1948� in his book Stock Market Prediction — The Planetary Barometer and How to Use It”. […]

Update: Adam Projection for TradeStation

Last year I posted the Adam Projection for Tradestation (see original posting). […]

Planet Ephemeris Data for TradeStation

I just finished a first version of the Planet Ephemeris Indicator for TradeStation. It is an early test version working with TS2000i and TS8 […]

Adam Projection Indicator for TradeStation

Planeten Ingresse für tradesignal

obsolete indicators for the obsolete platform tradesignal […]

Easy Language Programming Interface for Planetary Data

The ephemeris data as it is basis for the planetary indicators can be accessed directly within any Easy Language code. The interface is the function named $pi_ephem. It is part of the planetaryindicators package and can be used for Indicators, Signals, or Strategies. […]

New Section PlanetaryIndicators

I added a new section named “PlanetaryIndicators”. There I’ll describe the new PI-package for TradeStation and show several examples. I think it is a great composition of astro indicators , but I guess I have to introduce the instruments over time. […]

in misc

Restart 2018

This page has been inactive for a while. I am sorry. I was pretty busy with my research position and just had little time for trading, research about trading, programming, or even writing about trading. But I am back – and soon new content will follow. My article about trading cycles should appear in the next few days. I also plan to go through my previous articles and see how my ideas and suggestions of the past worked out in the last few years. […]

in misc

Hello world!

This is the first post. […]